When should I arrive at Walsingham Park to check in?
Check-in will open at 8:15 a.m.
Will there be water available throughout the course?
Yes, a water station will be available at the halfway point of the 5k.
A water station will not be available for the one-mile fun run.
Can I register the day of the race?
Yes, you may register on race day, but a race shirt is not guaranteed. The registration table will close at 9:00 a.m.
Can I pick up my race packet early?
Yes, race packet pick up is available, and we encourage you to take advantage of this option: 2/7 from 6-8pm @ 10321 75th Street Largo, FL 33777​
Are pets allowed?
Pets are welcome. Register your pup to run for $10 to receive a race-day bandana.
Will there be food?
We will have a post-race breakfast bar & Sweet Shoppe open.